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School Values


It is our strong belief that the best learning takes place when children feel safe, secure and valued as an individual. Our behaviour ethos is therefore is based upon developing positive relationships. Visitors to our school comment on the calm, happy atmosphere and the positive attitude children have to their learning. This is because we take the time to get to know all of our children, their strengths and how we can support them to enjoy and achieve. We are proud of our children and want them to feel proud of the positive choices they make.

Ready    Respectful   Safe

Our 'Behaviour and Relationships Policy' details our whole school expectations and procedures. The Grove Golden rules of 'ready, respectful, safe' are taught to all children. It is essential that adults are consistent in their interactions with the children and model how to respond and interact with others.  The children understand that every adult has the same high expectations in the school and within the wider community. To support the whole school approach to  postive behaviour and respectful relationships, we identify and agree brilliant behaviours at the start of every term. A brilliant behaviour is a whole school focus for 2 weeks, following a launch in a whole school assembly. 

Every classroom has a Recognition Board with the brilliant behaviour displayed in the centre. Teachers add a child's name to the board when they have gone above and beyond to demonstrate the brilliant behaviour. Weekly Praise Assemblies give us the opportunity to recognise and celebrate a child in every class for ther brilliant behaviour. Grove Primary School uses 'Class Dojo' tp communicate good news about behaviour with our families.