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Late and Absence

Absence and Lateness Procedures

Why is good attendance important?

  Good attendance and punctuality are vital for success at school, and to establish positive life habits that are necessary for future        success.

  Through regular attendance, pupils can:

  • Build friendships and develop social groups.
  • Develop life skills.
  • Engage in essential learning and other school social events.
  • Achieve to their full potential.
  • Minimise the risk of engaging in anti-social behaviour and becoming victims or perpetrators of crime.

Don’t underestimate the importance of 100 percent attendance. Even one day missed can have an effect on learning:

  • 98 percent attendance means four school days missed
  • 95 percent attendance means 10 school days missed
  • 90 percent attendance means 19 school days missed
  • 80 percent attendance means 38 school days missed
  • Five minutes late each day means three school days missed

Our whole school attendance target is 96.4%.

When children are in school on time, everyday, they perform better in their learning and feel more confident about friendships and relationships with staff.

For those occasions when your child cannot attend school due to illness, or if your child may arrive late due to a medical appointment, please contact Mrs Nend in the School Office at the earliest possible opportunity. You can leave an answerphone message. Mrs Nend can also be contacted via Class Dojo.

If there is an unavoidable occasion when your child is late to school, you will asked be sign in using the electronic system. This will keep a record of the reason for the late arrival.

