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School Meals


We know that lunchtimes are precious to our children. During their lunch time, each class takes it in turns to eat in our spacious hall. Outside, play activities are supervised by Teaching Assistants which means there is always a familiar face for your child. There is a designated football zone to ensure that all children have the space they need to play.

Many children prefer quieter opportunities for play. When the weather allows, gardening club is open for any child who wishes to attend. There are bikes and trikes for all ages to enjoy. It is a pleasure to see the children develop their sharing and social skills using the equipment provided or through their own imaginative play.

Children eat with their classmates regardless of if they have hot dinners or packed lunches. School dinners are free to all children in Reception and Key Stage One (years one and two). Some children are entitled to free school meals from Year 3 upwards, depending on family circumstances. However, we welcome healthy packed lunches should you prefer to provide your child's lunch.

We work closely with our school caterers Malvern Catering Services. Please see their website for more information:

If you would like any further information with regards to ordering and paying for school dinners, please contact the school office. 

Please note that in order to support children with a nut allergy, we are a 'nut free' school.