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Design Technology

Design and Technology at Grove Primary School

Why is Design Technology important?

Design Technology helps us to develop as reflective learners, as we work through the design process. Through design technology, we are able to work collaboratively to solve problems and find solutions, teaching us to deal with uncertainty whilst developing communication, organisational and other practical life skills. In design technology, we learn to appreciate the needs of others, the built environment and the likely impact of future technologies.

Design Technology gives pupils the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. 

How is Design Technology taught?

Design Technology is taught through a combination of subject knowledge, skill building and design and make projects. Food technology is also taught through thematic units. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.

What do we learn in Design Technology?

We learn about:

  • Mechanisms
  • Sliders
  • Levers
  • Structures
  • Textiles
  • Food technology
  • Electronics

We also complete design technology projects in each phase for specified clients e.g. the pirate, the evil genius, allowing pupils the opportunity to both experiment and apply their knowledge and skills.