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Spelling at The Grove

Phonics and Spelling

At Grove, spelling is taught actively and explicitly with the understanding that the greatest impact on spelling is achieved when children encouraged to use new spelling, and their associated rules in their writing. Regular analysis of pupils' spelling ensure that support is provided, tailored to the specific needs of the child or year group. 

In Nursery, children will be introduced to hearing initial sounds and will explore making relationship between sounds and images. In Reception and KS1, phonics lessons should be taught using the Read Write Inc phonics programme. In KS2, children experience at least 3 spelling lessons per week, lasting between 15-20 minutes, with spellings sent home regularly to reinforce the learning at home. 

We measure the impact through learning walks, book looks, formative and summative assessment (through the use of Read Write Inc, termly NFER assessments, informal spelling tests and application in written work), and pupil/parent/teacher voice.