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Interim Executive Board of Grove Primary school

The school is a local authority (LA) community school and is currently governed by an Interim Executive Board (IEB). The IEB is appointed by the Local Authority. 

The role of the I.E.B is to provide challenge and support to schools. Members of the I.E.B take on individual areas of responsibility. I.E.B members come into school every half-term to meet leaders, teachers and observe the curriculum in action. I.E.B meetings take place every month and focus on the strategic development of the school. 

Core Functions

The three core strategic functions of Grove Primary school IEB are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the School and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.

The IEB is also responsible for ensuring that the School meets statutory requirements with regard to Safeguarding, Health and Safety, the Curriculum and Finance.


Whilst the IEB strives to be approachable at all times, please give the staff every opportunity to address any day-to-day complaints in the first instance. The complaints procedure is published in the Policies section of this website and is available on request from the reception desk at the school.

The IEB actively monitors all formal complaints and will take balanced and considered action, where appropriate.